Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Waiting For A Calm Night

 September 26, 2012

Just want to start my blog today. I really don't know what I want to write. So I decided to write something about myself. It was what just happened to me these days, and I would like to share with you guys. 

I did not feel good these days. What does love meant to everybody? Someone might say:love means me everything. Yeah, I would say that for sure, because I want to be loved, and I guess everybody wants that. I am a introversion girl. I don't have much confidence when I was a child. It was just a few days ago, I  confessed to a guy  that I liked him for a long time. The sadness was, I got refused. It was super hard for me to speak out my little secret. I am ok right now, but still sad for this unfortunate things that happened to me. I understand that everybody have their own choice, and I can not force. 

Here are 10 sentences that I found about  LOVE:
I just want to share with people ^ ^
And there might be some that I want to say to that boy

1. Your name, my heart.

2. I pretend I don't care you, but still I feel the pain.

3. Feelings can be controlled, but tears never lie.

4. two people are meant to be together, eventually they will find their way back.

5. Some things, do not talk about a knot, talk about opened a scar.

6. It is well worth of falling love in someone, even can keep up with the unavoidable damage. 

7. In the world, could not deceive only, was own heart, it when you most has not always guarded against, exposed you to like sadly.

8.My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.

9.The wind blows as usual. Flowers blooms as usual. The sun rises from the east as before. But something has changed.

10. What I've learned in life: love but not too much, give but leave something for yourself, fight but learn to let go, cry but try to move on.

I hope tomorrow it's gonna be a better day.
Night night everybody.

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